Effective Dosage : Men 300-800 mg/week, Women 50-100 mg/week
Side Effects : Deca Durabolin can induce acne issues in higher dosages in sensitive individuals. It will retent water but far less than testosterone, blood pressure is dosage dependant. Aromatization is low.It Decreases HTPA function. It doesn't convert DTH (converts to NOR-DHT with low activity)..
Detection time : 17-18 months
Active Life : 14-16 days
Drug Class : Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Deca Durabolin detailed information:
Deca-Durabolin is a brand name of Organon Company, the manufacturer of the drug containing the substance nandrolone decanoate. Although nandrolone decanoate is still contained in many generic compounds, almost every athlete connects this substance with Deca-Durabolin. Most common are the administrations of 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml. Deca-Durabolin is the most widespread and most commonly used injectable steroid. Its popularity is due to the simple fact that it exhibits many very favorable properties. Structurally nandrolone is very similar to testosterone
Deca Durabolin is a favorite to thousands of steroid users. In our recent survey, it was revealed that Deca is the most widely used anabolic steroid. It is easy on the liver and promotes good size and strength gains while reducing body fat.
How To Use Deca-Durabolin
Deca-Durabolin causes the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance is achieved. A positive nitrogen balance is synonymous with muscle growth since the muscle cell, in this phase, assimilates (accumulates) a larger amount of protein than usual. The same manufacturer, however, points out on the package insert that a positive nitrogen balance and the protein building effect that accompany it will occur only if enough calories and proteins are supplied. The highly anabolic effect of Deca-Durabolin is linked to a moderately androgenic component, so that a good gain in muscle mass and strength is obtained. At the same time, most athletes notice considerable water retention which, no doubt, is not as distinct as that with injectable testosterones but which in high doses can also cause a smooth and watery appearance.
Since Deca-Durabolin also stores more water in the connective tissues, it can temporarily case or even cure existing pain in joints. This is especially good for those athletes who complain about pain in the shoulder, elbow, and knee; they can often enjoy pain-free workouts during treatment with Deca-Durabolin. Athletes use Deca-Durabolin, depending on their needs, for muscle buildup and in preparation for a competition.
Deca-Durabolin Dosage
Deca-Durabolin is suitable, even above average, to develop muscle mass since it promotes the protein synthesis and simultaneously leads to water retention. The optimal dose for this purpose lies between 200 and 600mg/week. Scientific research has shown that best results can be obtained by the intake of 2 mg/pound body weight. Those who take a dose of less than 200 mg/week will usually feel only a very light anabolic effect which, however, increases with a higher dosage. Steroid novices usually need only 200 mg/week. Deca-Durabolin works very well for muscle buildup when combined with Dianabol and Testosterone. The famous Dianabol/Deca-Durabolin stack results in a fast and strong gain in muscle mass. Most athletes usually take 15-40 mg Dianabol/day and 200-400 mg Deca-Durabolin/week. Even faster results can be achieved with 400 mg Deca-Durabolin/week and 500 mg Sustanon/week. Deca is a good basic steroid which, for muscle buildup, can be combined with many other steroids.
In addition, at a dosage level above 600 mg/week, the anabolic effect no longer increases proportionately to the dosage increase, so that 1000 mg/week do not guarantee significantly better results than 600 mg/week
Side Effects with Deca-Durabolin
side effects with Deca-Durabolin are relatively low with dosages of 400 mg/week, androgenic caused side effects can occur. Most problems manifest themselves in high blood pressure and a prolonged time for blood clotting, which can cause frequent nasal bleeding and prolonged bleeding of cuts, as well as increased production of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Some athletes also report headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high dosages are taken over a prolonged period, spermatogenesis can be inhibited in men, i.e. the testes produce less testosterone. The reason is that Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropins from the hypophysis.
Women and Deca Durabolin
Women with a dosage of up to 100 mg/week usually experience no major problems with Deca Durabolin. At higher dosages androgenic-caused virilization symptoms can occur, including deep voice (irreversible), increased growth of body hair, acne, increased libido, and possibly clitorishypertrophy.
Since most female athletes get on well with Deca Durabolin a dose of Deca 50 mg+/week is usually combined with Anavar 10 mg+/day. Both compounds, when taken in a low dosage, are only slightly androgenic so that masculinizing side effects only rarely occur. Deca, through its increased protein synthesis, also leads to a net muscle gain and Anavar, based on the increased phosphocreatine synthesis, leads to a measurable strength gain with very low water retention. Other variations of administration used by female athletes are Deca-Durabolin and Winstrol tablets, as well as Deca-Durabolin and Primobolan.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Defying Aging Joints With Glucosamine Synflex
Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease affecting the body’s joints is a prevalent condition amongst middle-aged to old people but can also affect younger people as well. The condition stems from the degeneration of joints, the tissue enveloping the bones that provides for smooth bone movement and allows us to move flexibly. Affected joints are usually the limbs, the back, the knees, and ones between the metacarpals collectively known as the weight-bearing joints.
The human body produces an amino acid that is derived from glucose known as glucosamine that stimulates cartilage production and repair by acting as an analeptic. The process comes in naturally and is enhanced through the regular intake of glucosamine-bearing foods (Glucosamine is also derived from shellfish chitin or shellfish shells.). Glucosamine deficiency occurs as one ages and is accompanied by dearth in proteoglycans (a blanket of amino acids and sugars that augments joint strength and guards cartilage from immediate and severe joint shocks), collagens (fibers in the cartilage), chondrocytes (which produces and holds proteoglycans), and synovial fluid (which acts as a joint lubricant) which are needed to maintain joint health. Joint deterioration is aggravated by sports injuries, dehydration, obesity, and other stress-inducers (common to young people which makes them vulnerable to osteoarthritis before the age of 45).
To counter osteoarthritis with the possibility of completely eliminating its symptoms, glucosamine supplements are prescribed by physicians for pain relief. Besides soothing pain caused by bone to bone friction attributable to deteriorating cartilages, studies on glucosamine show a range of long-term beneficial effects of the sugar. Glucosamine has been found as an effective catalyst for the rehabilitation of joint parts enhancing the production of chondrocytes and synovial fluid. As a stimulant of the chondrocytes, glucosamine aids in the regulation and metabolism of proteoglycans and collagens. It also acts as an analeptic to the production of glycosaminoglycans needed for the cartilage to bind water (The cartilage is 65% water). It enables cartilage metabolism thus preempting and safeguarding the cartilages from continuous and further deterioration.
Doctors encourage osteoarthritis patients to avail of trustworthy brand labels such as Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine that satisfies the important characteristics of high-quality glucosamine supplements. Studies on glucosamine intake have shown that glucosamine in liquid form fairs better and produce more qualitative results than capsule or tablet ones produced by low-quality manufacturers. Synflex manufactures from pharmaceutical grade glucosamine for arthritis patients, athletes, and even pets suffering from joint problems! Moreover, it is popularly identified as one of the few brand names that provide adequate glucosamine amounts per milligram dosage. Intake of Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine is reported to help alleviate pain and inflammation in the joints as quickly as 2 weeks because it contains a well-formulated mix of glucosamine with synergistic ingredients such as chondroitin, bromelain, boswellin, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which help fight symptoms of arthritis.
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The human body produces an amino acid that is derived from glucose known as glucosamine that stimulates cartilage production and repair by acting as an analeptic. The process comes in naturally and is enhanced through the regular intake of glucosamine-bearing foods (Glucosamine is also derived from shellfish chitin or shellfish shells.). Glucosamine deficiency occurs as one ages and is accompanied by dearth in proteoglycans (a blanket of amino acids and sugars that augments joint strength and guards cartilage from immediate and severe joint shocks), collagens (fibers in the cartilage), chondrocytes (which produces and holds proteoglycans), and synovial fluid (which acts as a joint lubricant) which are needed to maintain joint health. Joint deterioration is aggravated by sports injuries, dehydration, obesity, and other stress-inducers (common to young people which makes them vulnerable to osteoarthritis before the age of 45).
To counter osteoarthritis with the possibility of completely eliminating its symptoms, glucosamine supplements are prescribed by physicians for pain relief. Besides soothing pain caused by bone to bone friction attributable to deteriorating cartilages, studies on glucosamine show a range of long-term beneficial effects of the sugar. Glucosamine has been found as an effective catalyst for the rehabilitation of joint parts enhancing the production of chondrocytes and synovial fluid. As a stimulant of the chondrocytes, glucosamine aids in the regulation and metabolism of proteoglycans and collagens. It also acts as an analeptic to the production of glycosaminoglycans needed for the cartilage to bind water (The cartilage is 65% water). It enables cartilage metabolism thus preempting and safeguarding the cartilages from continuous and further deterioration.
Doctors encourage osteoarthritis patients to avail of trustworthy brand labels such as Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine that satisfies the important characteristics of high-quality glucosamine supplements. Studies on glucosamine intake have shown that glucosamine in liquid form fairs better and produce more qualitative results than capsule or tablet ones produced by low-quality manufacturers. Synflex manufactures from pharmaceutical grade glucosamine for arthritis patients, athletes, and even pets suffering from joint problems! Moreover, it is popularly identified as one of the few brand names that provide adequate glucosamine amounts per milligram dosage. Intake of Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine is reported to help alleviate pain and inflammation in the joints as quickly as 2 weeks because it contains a well-formulated mix of glucosamine with synergistic ingredients such as chondroitin, bromelain, boswellin, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which help fight symptoms of arthritis.
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Do you Know These Secrets of Vitamin C
Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic Acid is a water-soluble, antioxidant vitamin. It is important for the development of collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Collagen has many benefits, supports a range of the body's structures and is necessary to the formation of bones and teeth
Humans, unlike most other animals, do not generate their own vitamin C, and they need to take it through foods sources which are rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin is measured a cure-all for a lot of diseases and problems - from cancer to common cold.
Benefits of Vitamin C
1) Vitamin C in addition to avoiding Scurvy, it has been shown to diminish the length of colds and to lighten their severity. It does not, however, avoids colds or modifies their frequency. Vitamin C may help prevent lead poisoning, and some scientists suppose it can be used in the treatment of cancer.
2) Vitamin C serves a predominantly defensive position in the body.
3) It is a great antioxidant and helps defend the body against pollutants
4) It helps in the prevention of blood clotting and bruising, and strengthening the walls of the capillaries
5) Vitamin C helps in the prevention of degenerative diseases - such as cataracts, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
6) Ascorbic acid promotes healthy cell growth, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth and restore - like healing of wounds and burns.
7) Vitamin C is required for healthy gums, to help defend against infection, helps decrease cholesterol level, high blood pressure and avoids arteriosclerosis.
What can happen with the Vitamin C Deficiency?
Vitamin C Deficiency result in hemorrhages under the skin and a tendency to bruise effortlessly, poor wound healing, weakness, poor digestion, bleeding gums and loose teeth.
Low levels of vitamin C have been related with a number of conditions including hypertension, gallbladder disease, stroke and some cancers.
Edema (also called water retention) also takes place due to a Vitamin C deficiency, along with aching joints, bronchial infection and colds.
Vitamin C Dosage
The average (recommended dietary allowance) RDA is 60-80mg, per day.
For young people it is 80 mg, 75 mg for adults, 100 mg during pregnancy and 150 mg during lactation. Men should take more vitamin C than women and persons who smoke cigarettes are encouraged to consume 35-40 mg more vitamin C than average adults. This is because smoking reduces vitamin C levels in the body and is a catalyst for organic processes, which damage cells.
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin C
Symptoms of scurvy, the vitamin C deficiency disease include –
1) Bleeding gums (also called gingivitis) and skin discoloration
2) Poor healing of wound.
3) Poor immune function, including susceptibility to cold and other infections.
Vitamin C Sources
Consuming the number of foods that contain vitamin C is the most excellent mode to get the required amount of Vitamin C each day. Healthy persons who eat a balanced diet do not need any Vitamin C supplements.
Amla (Indian gooseberry) is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, whether fresh or the dried or in powdered form.
Some of the good sources of vitamin C are oranges, kiwi fruit, mango, broccoli olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices equipped with Vitamin C.
Raw and cooked green leafy vegetables, peppers, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mangetout, red peppers, chilies, watercress, parsley, blackcurrants are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
How to retain vitamin C
To avoid loss of vitamin C:
• Serve fruits and vegetables raw as far as possible.
• Steam, boil, or cook foods in a very minute amount of water
• Store prepared juices in Refrigerator, but no more than two to three days.
• Store cut and raw fruits, vegetables in an airtight container and refrigerate - do not store in water because Vitamin C is water soluble and gets dissolved in the water.
Eating foods rich in Vitamin C in their fresh, raw form is the finest way to maximize intake of vitamin C.
Vitamin C Overdose
Vitamin C overdose of may result in diarrhea, lip swelling, and in very severe cases difficulty in breathing.
Vitamin C overdose causes stomachaches with a lot of side effects such as stomach pain and nausea.
Vitamin C Overdoes can also result in stomach cramps, skin rashes, and too much urination.
Vitamin C overdose should be avoided and must be avoided particularly by people with iron excess diseases such as Hemochromatosis.
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Humans, unlike most other animals, do not generate their own vitamin C, and they need to take it through foods sources which are rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin is measured a cure-all for a lot of diseases and problems - from cancer to common cold.
Benefits of Vitamin C
1) Vitamin C in addition to avoiding Scurvy, it has been shown to diminish the length of colds and to lighten their severity. It does not, however, avoids colds or modifies their frequency. Vitamin C may help prevent lead poisoning, and some scientists suppose it can be used in the treatment of cancer.
2) Vitamin C serves a predominantly defensive position in the body.
3) It is a great antioxidant and helps defend the body against pollutants
4) It helps in the prevention of blood clotting and bruising, and strengthening the walls of the capillaries
5) Vitamin C helps in the prevention of degenerative diseases - such as cataracts, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
6) Ascorbic acid promotes healthy cell growth, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth and restore - like healing of wounds and burns.
7) Vitamin C is required for healthy gums, to help defend against infection, helps decrease cholesterol level, high blood pressure and avoids arteriosclerosis.
What can happen with the Vitamin C Deficiency?
Vitamin C Deficiency result in hemorrhages under the skin and a tendency to bruise effortlessly, poor wound healing, weakness, poor digestion, bleeding gums and loose teeth.
Low levels of vitamin C have been related with a number of conditions including hypertension, gallbladder disease, stroke and some cancers.
Edema (also called water retention) also takes place due to a Vitamin C deficiency, along with aching joints, bronchial infection and colds.
Vitamin C Dosage
The average (recommended dietary allowance) RDA is 60-80mg, per day.
For young people it is 80 mg, 75 mg for adults, 100 mg during pregnancy and 150 mg during lactation. Men should take more vitamin C than women and persons who smoke cigarettes are encouraged to consume 35-40 mg more vitamin C than average adults. This is because smoking reduces vitamin C levels in the body and is a catalyst for organic processes, which damage cells.
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin C
Symptoms of scurvy, the vitamin C deficiency disease include –
1) Bleeding gums (also called gingivitis) and skin discoloration
2) Poor healing of wound.
3) Poor immune function, including susceptibility to cold and other infections.
Vitamin C Sources
Consuming the number of foods that contain vitamin C is the most excellent mode to get the required amount of Vitamin C each day. Healthy persons who eat a balanced diet do not need any Vitamin C supplements.
Amla (Indian gooseberry) is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, whether fresh or the dried or in powdered form.
Some of the good sources of vitamin C are oranges, kiwi fruit, mango, broccoli olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices equipped with Vitamin C.
Raw and cooked green leafy vegetables, peppers, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mangetout, red peppers, chilies, watercress, parsley, blackcurrants are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
How to retain vitamin C
To avoid loss of vitamin C:
• Serve fruits and vegetables raw as far as possible.
• Steam, boil, or cook foods in a very minute amount of water
• Store prepared juices in Refrigerator, but no more than two to three days.
• Store cut and raw fruits, vegetables in an airtight container and refrigerate - do not store in water because Vitamin C is water soluble and gets dissolved in the water.
Eating foods rich in Vitamin C in their fresh, raw form is the finest way to maximize intake of vitamin C.
Vitamin C Overdose
Vitamin C overdose of may result in diarrhea, lip swelling, and in very severe cases difficulty in breathing.
Vitamin C overdose causes stomachaches with a lot of side effects such as stomach pain and nausea.
Vitamin C Overdoes can also result in stomach cramps, skin rashes, and too much urination.
Vitamin C overdose should be avoided and must be avoided particularly by people with iron excess diseases such as Hemochromatosis.
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Glucosamine, an Innovation in Array the Treatment of Canine
The absence of understandable language in canines impedes dogs from conveying what they feel to their caretakers. Hence, it is the owner’s responsibility to be conscious enough of patterns and changes in their dog’s behavior. When dogs become less active, are often silent, hide away, whine a lot or become aggressive when touched or carried, these are often taken as signs that the dog is suffering from some kind of arthritis.
Arthritis in dogs is quite varied like that of humans but every type of arthritis in canines deals with pain and inflammation in the joints causing lameness, limping and reduced mobility. Degenerative joint disease affects 10-15% of the estimated 60 million live dogs in America. Similar to osteoarthritis in humans, this condition is concentrated in the deterioration of joint parts particularly of the cartilage leading to inflammation, swelling and pain. A similar case is Osteochondrosis, which is suspected to be genetically-related and a sign of malnutrition, is the degeneration of joint tissues mimicking osteoarthritic pain. Arthritis in dogs, whether resulting from traumatic injuries, an auto-immune condition (meaning the dog’s immune system attacks its own body due to viral detection confusion such as Rheumatoid Arthritis) or a symptom of aging, can affect various joints in the body and has also been reported to be infectious. Hip Dysplasia, a common form of arthritis is an example of a non-isolated case. Shoulder Degeneration, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Hypertrophic Arthritis are variations of arthritis affecting dogs.
Initial Treatment
Treatment of arthritis begins with its diagnosis and identification of its type. Because dogs are normally treated as part of one’s family, they are immediately brought to a veterinarian to be observed. When arthritis is suspected, pain relief is given through the prescription of drugs classified as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). However mild to severe side effects can be incurred through NSAID intake from simple diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite to more adverse ones such as gastrointestinal perforations and bleeding, ulcers, liver and kidney problems. Advances in canine medication include safer NSAIDs that have been approved by the FDA’s Veterinary Medicine arm such as Etogesic, Novox, Zubrin, and Rimadyl, proven arthritis combatives. Nonetheless, adequate observation and testing must be done before any prescription of NSAID is given.
Alternative Treatment
Some dog owners often mistake canine diseases to be identical to human diseases and so treat canine arthritis with the same pain relievers that they use for themselves such as aspirins. This is very unsound practice and is not at all productive and may be dangerous to your pet’s health.
Apart from the usual veterinarian prescription of NSAIDs, advanced research into canine arthritis reports pain relief and joint rehabilitation from glucosamine, an amino sugar that aids in cartilage repair by enhancing the production of prosteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans which both work in binding water to cartilage tissues.
Glucosamine found in Synflex is combined with 20% chondroitin sulfate found in shark cartilage that stimulates better glucosamine absorption in the dog’s body. Bromelain found in Synflex relieves pain from arthritis caused by inflammatory agents by acting as an effective blocker. Syn-flex as a glucosamine supplement for dogs contains an adequate amount of other synergistic ingredients, vitamins and minerals that protects the joints and builds healthier cartilages slowing the symptoms of arthritis. In addition, it comes in liquid form providing for easier application and more effective digestion and absorption in the body’s cells. Because Synflex contains a well-formulated amount of each ingredient, dosages are minimal. A bottle of Synflex can last for 8 months depending on how big your canine is and the prescribed dosage based on weight.
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Arthritis in dogs is quite varied like that of humans but every type of arthritis in canines deals with pain and inflammation in the joints causing lameness, limping and reduced mobility. Degenerative joint disease affects 10-15% of the estimated 60 million live dogs in America. Similar to osteoarthritis in humans, this condition is concentrated in the deterioration of joint parts particularly of the cartilage leading to inflammation, swelling and pain. A similar case is Osteochondrosis, which is suspected to be genetically-related and a sign of malnutrition, is the degeneration of joint tissues mimicking osteoarthritic pain. Arthritis in dogs, whether resulting from traumatic injuries, an auto-immune condition (meaning the dog’s immune system attacks its own body due to viral detection confusion such as Rheumatoid Arthritis) or a symptom of aging, can affect various joints in the body and has also been reported to be infectious. Hip Dysplasia, a common form of arthritis is an example of a non-isolated case. Shoulder Degeneration, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Hypertrophic Arthritis are variations of arthritis affecting dogs.
Initial Treatment
Treatment of arthritis begins with its diagnosis and identification of its type. Because dogs are normally treated as part of one’s family, they are immediately brought to a veterinarian to be observed. When arthritis is suspected, pain relief is given through the prescription of drugs classified as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). However mild to severe side effects can be incurred through NSAID intake from simple diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite to more adverse ones such as gastrointestinal perforations and bleeding, ulcers, liver and kidney problems. Advances in canine medication include safer NSAIDs that have been approved by the FDA’s Veterinary Medicine arm such as Etogesic, Novox, Zubrin, and Rimadyl, proven arthritis combatives. Nonetheless, adequate observation and testing must be done before any prescription of NSAID is given.
Alternative Treatment
Some dog owners often mistake canine diseases to be identical to human diseases and so treat canine arthritis with the same pain relievers that they use for themselves such as aspirins. This is very unsound practice and is not at all productive and may be dangerous to your pet’s health.
Apart from the usual veterinarian prescription of NSAIDs, advanced research into canine arthritis reports pain relief and joint rehabilitation from glucosamine, an amino sugar that aids in cartilage repair by enhancing the production of prosteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans which both work in binding water to cartilage tissues.
Glucosamine found in Synflex is combined with 20% chondroitin sulfate found in shark cartilage that stimulates better glucosamine absorption in the dog’s body. Bromelain found in Synflex relieves pain from arthritis caused by inflammatory agents by acting as an effective blocker. Syn-flex as a glucosamine supplement for dogs contains an adequate amount of other synergistic ingredients, vitamins and minerals that protects the joints and builds healthier cartilages slowing the symptoms of arthritis. In addition, it comes in liquid form providing for easier application and more effective digestion and absorption in the body’s cells. Because Synflex contains a well-formulated amount of each ingredient, dosages are minimal. A bottle of Synflex can last for 8 months depending on how big your canine is and the prescribed dosage based on weight.
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Deca Durabolin,
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Live Longer and Look Younger-superfoods Diet
Recent coverage in the press has shown that certain vitamins, especially folic acid from the Vitamin B group, can considerably reduce the risk of certain illnesses such as strokes and can even circumvent the risk of certain birth defects such as cleft palate. What do these superfoods contain? What is their role in helping us to live longer and look younger?
Vitamin supplements are an inexpensive way to boost your energy and help your body stay healthy. They are not used as a substitute for a healthy diet, but rather as a supplementation of necessary nutrients that are missing in daily diet. Vitamin supplements are commonly considered to be an antidote to stress. Vitamin supplements are available in all health stores and can also be ordered online. They are intended to fill the gaps in people's diets BUT ARE NOT a replacement for a bad diet.
What Can Supplements Do To Help Us Live Longer?
Supplements can become poisons in high doses. Supplements sometimes contain over ten times the level of vitamins that we need. Remember that they cannot offer the same quality of nutrients that food can provide. The trick is sorting out who should take vitamin supplements to avoid illness and for whom it is unnecessary. In recent years, recommendations to take various vitamins (and other supplements) are so commonplace that I often see patients who are taking six, eight or even more vitamins each day.
What Can Minerals Do To Help Us Look Younger?
Minerals are as important to the human body as vitamins. Minerals are inorganic compounds (not containing carbon) that make up the major part of the surface of the earth. Minerals are absorbed by plants from the soil and water and then become part of the foods we eat –just think, they make up 4% of our total body weight.. Minerals generally bond to molecules too large to pass through cell walls and consequently are seldom absorbed. A liquid vitamin supplement that uses amino acids is the best way to enable mineral molecules to be absorbed.
Do I Need To Take Folic Acid?
Probably the most important component of the Vitamin B group is folic acid (or folate), which can markedly reduce the risk of certain birth defects (including neural tube defects). Folic acid can also be found in many dark green vegetables, corn, cantaloupe, squash and beets. Folic acid vitamin supplements are usually recommended by doctors during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Too little can cause anaemia. Women planning a pregnancy should consider folate supplements or foods fortified with folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the baby during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Vitamin B complex vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) pantothetic acid, choline and biotin.
Discover The Ultimate Superfoods
Now, there is no need to take tons and tons of vitamins - you can find all these nutrients in several
easy to take superfoods which will boost your immune system, your energy levels and protect you from ageing.
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Vitamin supplements are an inexpensive way to boost your energy and help your body stay healthy. They are not used as a substitute for a healthy diet, but rather as a supplementation of necessary nutrients that are missing in daily diet. Vitamin supplements are commonly considered to be an antidote to stress. Vitamin supplements are available in all health stores and can also be ordered online. They are intended to fill the gaps in people's diets BUT ARE NOT a replacement for a bad diet.
What Can Supplements Do To Help Us Live Longer?
Supplements can become poisons in high doses. Supplements sometimes contain over ten times the level of vitamins that we need. Remember that they cannot offer the same quality of nutrients that food can provide. The trick is sorting out who should take vitamin supplements to avoid illness and for whom it is unnecessary. In recent years, recommendations to take various vitamins (and other supplements) are so commonplace that I often see patients who are taking six, eight or even more vitamins each day.
What Can Minerals Do To Help Us Look Younger?
Minerals are as important to the human body as vitamins. Minerals are inorganic compounds (not containing carbon) that make up the major part of the surface of the earth. Minerals are absorbed by plants from the soil and water and then become part of the foods we eat –just think, they make up 4% of our total body weight.. Minerals generally bond to molecules too large to pass through cell walls and consequently are seldom absorbed. A liquid vitamin supplement that uses amino acids is the best way to enable mineral molecules to be absorbed.
Do I Need To Take Folic Acid?
Probably the most important component of the Vitamin B group is folic acid (or folate), which can markedly reduce the risk of certain birth defects (including neural tube defects). Folic acid can also be found in many dark green vegetables, corn, cantaloupe, squash and beets. Folic acid vitamin supplements are usually recommended by doctors during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Too little can cause anaemia. Women planning a pregnancy should consider folate supplements or foods fortified with folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the baby during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Vitamin B complex vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) pantothetic acid, choline and biotin.
Discover The Ultimate Superfoods
Now, there is no need to take tons and tons of vitamins - you can find all these nutrients in several
easy to take superfoods which will boost your immune system, your energy levels and protect you from ageing.
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Nutritional Supplements Vs Degenerative Diseases
Degenerative diseases are the ones in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits. The four mayor degenerative diseases that are affecting people around the world are DIABETES, CANCER, CARDIOVASCULAR and Strokes. Here are some actual statistics about degenerative diseases:
- Chronic disease is responsible for 60% of all deaths worldwide
- 1970 in the US for every 100,000 people there was 700 with several types of cancer.
- 2007 in the US for every 100,000 people there are 15000 with several types of cancer.
- The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2007 about 168,000 cancer deaths are expected to be caused by tobacco use.
- Scientific evidence suggest that about one third of the 556,650 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2007 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, nutrition and thus can also be PREVENTED.
- Most Cancers do not result from inherited genes but from damage (mutation) to genes that occur during one’s lifetime. Mutations may results from internal factors such as hormones or the digestion of nutrients within cells, or external factors such tobacco, chemicals and sunlight.
- There are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease.
- The total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2002 was estimated to be $132 billion, or one out of every 10 health care dollars spent in the United States.
- Almost half of chronic disease deaths occur in people under the age of 70
- Around the world, chronic disease affects women and men almost equally
- One billion adults are overweight - without action, this figure will surpass 1.5 billion by 2015
- 22 million children under five years old are overweight
- If the major risk factors for chronic disease were eliminated, at least 80% of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes would be prevented; and 40% of cancer would be prevented
- The major risk factors for chronic disease are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use.
One of the mayor causes of degenerative diseases is having an unhealthy diet. In our days we eat a lot of waste food full of carbohydrates and FAT. Plus we don’t enough physical activities or exercise to maintain true health. Our body cells are deteriorating very fast because they don’t receive enough vital nutrients.
For the most part, we suffer from painful degenerative diseases because we deny to our bodies the proper nutrients to maintain health. For this reason Nutrition have to be the start of your lifestyle to get optimal health. Your daily diet must provide the essential nutrients for cells to function properly. To maintain health, we need a diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. Although we receive many of these nutrients from our diets, it’s impractical and virtually impossible to obtain an optimal those through diet alone
Unfortunately today’s food is full of chemicals and hormones, derivate of their own production process. Back in 1960 the chicken grows process use to take about 3 to 4 months. Now, in our days, one little chicken its feed by hormones and other chemicals ingredients that make his grow process faster. A little one takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow and been prepare to be sell at the stores. Imagine the quantity of bath nutrients that we are ingested.
We can’t control how our food it’s processed and in most cases manufactured. We can’t control the environmental contamination that it’s causing to our bodies and cells degenerative diseases like Cancer. But there is an aspect that we can control. Our nutrition and lifestyle. If we start a healthy diet plus some good and quality exercise routines we can take control of our health.
Nutritional Supplements are one good choice to maintain optimal health. That’s because they offer advanced nutritional formulas that supply the right ingredients in the correct amounts, at the precise balance. The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) lists essential vitamins and minerals in amounts necessary to ensure a continuation of life and to address nutritional deficits that may cause acute deficiency diseases. To be useful, all nutrients must be of high quality and be bioavailable; in other words, in a form the body can absorb and use.
There is still much we don't know about the ways nutrients work together. A healthy body is an extremely complex system, and each functional area requires a diverse mix of nutrients. For many reasons, nutritional supplementation should provide nutrients that are both balanced and in adequate doses. For example, certain vitamins supplied in isolation can result in other nutritional deficiencies, and many micronutrients can be toxic at excessive or imbalanced levels.
For this reason if are you preparing your self to start healthy life with nutritional supplements you must research first what are the best products in the market. Do some homework and examine diverse nutritional supplementations options before taking one. After all it’s your health.
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- Chronic disease is responsible for 60% of all deaths worldwide
- 1970 in the US for every 100,000 people there was 700 with several types of cancer.
- 2007 in the US for every 100,000 people there are 15000 with several types of cancer.
- The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2007 about 168,000 cancer deaths are expected to be caused by tobacco use.
- Scientific evidence suggest that about one third of the 556,650 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2007 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, nutrition and thus can also be PREVENTED.
- Most Cancers do not result from inherited genes but from damage (mutation) to genes that occur during one’s lifetime. Mutations may results from internal factors such as hormones or the digestion of nutrients within cells, or external factors such tobacco, chemicals and sunlight.
- There are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease.
- The total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2002 was estimated to be $132 billion, or one out of every 10 health care dollars spent in the United States.
- Almost half of chronic disease deaths occur in people under the age of 70
- Around the world, chronic disease affects women and men almost equally
- One billion adults are overweight - without action, this figure will surpass 1.5 billion by 2015
- 22 million children under five years old are overweight
- If the major risk factors for chronic disease were eliminated, at least 80% of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes would be prevented; and 40% of cancer would be prevented
- The major risk factors for chronic disease are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use.
One of the mayor causes of degenerative diseases is having an unhealthy diet. In our days we eat a lot of waste food full of carbohydrates and FAT. Plus we don’t enough physical activities or exercise to maintain true health. Our body cells are deteriorating very fast because they don’t receive enough vital nutrients.
For the most part, we suffer from painful degenerative diseases because we deny to our bodies the proper nutrients to maintain health. For this reason Nutrition have to be the start of your lifestyle to get optimal health. Your daily diet must provide the essential nutrients for cells to function properly. To maintain health, we need a diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. Although we receive many of these nutrients from our diets, it’s impractical and virtually impossible to obtain an optimal those through diet alone
Unfortunately today’s food is full of chemicals and hormones, derivate of their own production process. Back in 1960 the chicken grows process use to take about 3 to 4 months. Now, in our days, one little chicken its feed by hormones and other chemicals ingredients that make his grow process faster. A little one takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow and been prepare to be sell at the stores. Imagine the quantity of bath nutrients that we are ingested.
We can’t control how our food it’s processed and in most cases manufactured. We can’t control the environmental contamination that it’s causing to our bodies and cells degenerative diseases like Cancer. But there is an aspect that we can control. Our nutrition and lifestyle. If we start a healthy diet plus some good and quality exercise routines we can take control of our health.
Nutritional Supplements are one good choice to maintain optimal health. That’s because they offer advanced nutritional formulas that supply the right ingredients in the correct amounts, at the precise balance. The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) lists essential vitamins and minerals in amounts necessary to ensure a continuation of life and to address nutritional deficits that may cause acute deficiency diseases. To be useful, all nutrients must be of high quality and be bioavailable; in other words, in a form the body can absorb and use.
There is still much we don't know about the ways nutrients work together. A healthy body is an extremely complex system, and each functional area requires a diverse mix of nutrients. For many reasons, nutritional supplementation should provide nutrients that are both balanced and in adequate doses. For example, certain vitamins supplied in isolation can result in other nutritional deficiencies, and many micronutrients can be toxic at excessive or imbalanced levels.
For this reason if are you preparing your self to start healthy life with nutritional supplements you must research first what are the best products in the market. Do some homework and examine diverse nutritional supplementations options before taking one. After all it’s your health.
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24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin,
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customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special
Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity
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discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that
includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
Monday, August 13, 2007
Relieving Arthritis Pain Safely and Naturally on a Budget
A lot of the factors causing arthritis occur naturally. For instance, the most common cause, ageing, leads to glucosamine depletion in one's joints which hampers the normal production and health of cartilage that could lead to osteoarthritis. Another factor is one's weight. Obesity could result in some arthritic conditions on weight-bearing joints. Another form of arthritis called arthritis spondylitis which affects one's backbone has been traced back to a deficiency in water intake.
So, how can common conditions of arthritis be treated? Seeing your physician for diagnosis plays a key role in the treatment. Depending on the type and severity of pain one is enduring, treatment may consist of minimal pain relievers, to the more powerful and controversial NSAIDS, and perhaps even surgery. Diagnosis plays a key role in the treatment.
Natural Treatments
Some mild to moderate forms of arthritis can best be treated initially with exercise and a proper diet. A guided and monitored exercise program aims to strengthen one's joints so that it does not fall vulnerable to future arthritis especially when arthritis seems to be chronic. For people with weight problems, regular exercise not only helps strengthen their joints but would also help keep the extra and unnecessary weight off. Regular, moderate exercise that does not put undue stress on the affected joint can be beneficial. One can start by walking for 20 minutes daily and gradually increasing the distance or time. Other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming and biking are very effective as well and will not only strengthen the joints but the heart and lungs as well. On the other hand, a proper diet will work hand in hand with exercise and can possibly prevent diseases associated with fats and cholesterol build-up.
Alternative but safe treatment
An alternative treatment for arthritis that has been proven to be more effective and much safer than NSAIDS in treating moderate to severe pain associated with osteoarthritis is glucosamine supplements. There are literally hundreds of brands of these supplements, and choosing one that will deliver what it promises in an unregulated industry can be confusing. One of the more popular and trusted brands is Syn-flex Premium Liquid Glucosamine. Glucosamine supplements such as Synflex, assist in rehabilitating damaged cartilage, improves mobility and reduces inflammation in joint affected areas. Synflex uses a pharmaceutical quality glucosamine and in its liquid form, you’ll get maximum absorption and rapid pain relief. As mentioned before, arthritis can be caused by the normal process of ageing whereby the naturally-occurring production of glucosamine in one's body slows down causing an imbalance between the overuse and recovery of joints. These supplements help stimulate the healing of damaged cartilage with ingredients such as glucosamine HCL, glucosamine sulfate, shark cartilage, and chondroitin sulfate. Not only that, as mentioned before, these supplements have been known to relieve the pain caused by arthritis without the side effects and dangers of common NSAIDS ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The latest study by “The New England Journal of Medicine” released in early 2006, showed that glucosamine chondroitin, (the same found in Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine) reduced arthritis pain in those suffering moderate to severe joint pain more effectively than Celebrex. That’s quite an eye opener to its effectiveness in treating osteoarthritis. Using natural substances that help heal, instead of masking pain, has helped the glucosamine industry explode in sales. Synflex Premium Liquid Glucosamine has proven itself to be a leader if not the leading seller of liquid glucosamine products, with world wide distribution. With a certified list of ingredients and amounts, a daily cost under 80 cents a day, and a 100% Money Back Guarantee, you can’t go wrong. They even carry a formula that is safe and effective in treating pet arthritis.
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So, how can common conditions of arthritis be treated? Seeing your physician for diagnosis plays a key role in the treatment. Depending on the type and severity of pain one is enduring, treatment may consist of minimal pain relievers, to the more powerful and controversial NSAIDS, and perhaps even surgery. Diagnosis plays a key role in the treatment.
Natural Treatments
Some mild to moderate forms of arthritis can best be treated initially with exercise and a proper diet. A guided and monitored exercise program aims to strengthen one's joints so that it does not fall vulnerable to future arthritis especially when arthritis seems to be chronic. For people with weight problems, regular exercise not only helps strengthen their joints but would also help keep the extra and unnecessary weight off. Regular, moderate exercise that does not put undue stress on the affected joint can be beneficial. One can start by walking for 20 minutes daily and gradually increasing the distance or time. Other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming and biking are very effective as well and will not only strengthen the joints but the heart and lungs as well. On the other hand, a proper diet will work hand in hand with exercise and can possibly prevent diseases associated with fats and cholesterol build-up.
Alternative but safe treatment
An alternative treatment for arthritis that has been proven to be more effective and much safer than NSAIDS in treating moderate to severe pain associated with osteoarthritis is glucosamine supplements. There are literally hundreds of brands of these supplements, and choosing one that will deliver what it promises in an unregulated industry can be confusing. One of the more popular and trusted brands is Syn-flex Premium Liquid Glucosamine. Glucosamine supplements such as Synflex, assist in rehabilitating damaged cartilage, improves mobility and reduces inflammation in joint affected areas. Synflex uses a pharmaceutical quality glucosamine and in its liquid form, you’ll get maximum absorption and rapid pain relief. As mentioned before, arthritis can be caused by the normal process of ageing whereby the naturally-occurring production of glucosamine in one's body slows down causing an imbalance between the overuse and recovery of joints. These supplements help stimulate the healing of damaged cartilage with ingredients such as glucosamine HCL, glucosamine sulfate, shark cartilage, and chondroitin sulfate. Not only that, as mentioned before, these supplements have been known to relieve the pain caused by arthritis without the side effects and dangers of common NSAIDS ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The latest study by “The New England Journal of Medicine” released in early 2006, showed that glucosamine chondroitin, (the same found in Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine) reduced arthritis pain in those suffering moderate to severe joint pain more effectively than Celebrex. That’s quite an eye opener to its effectiveness in treating osteoarthritis. Using natural substances that help heal, instead of masking pain, has helped the glucosamine industry explode in sales. Synflex Premium Liquid Glucosamine has proven itself to be a leader if not the leading seller of liquid glucosamine products, with world wide distribution. With a certified list of ingredients and amounts, a daily cost under 80 cents a day, and a 100% Money Back Guarantee, you can’t go wrong. They even carry a formula that is safe and effective in treating pet arthritis.
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Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
Somatropin - a Brand New Growth Hormone Product
Many people favor a use of Growth Hormone (GH) to increase performance and muscle growth. It attracted increasing interest among amateur and proessional bodybuilders as well as professional athletes. Growth Hormone is used by many bodybuilders whose performance has plateaued, for some even with the use of anabolic steroids; therefore it is not a surprise that demands for this "wonder" drug are increasing constantly. A recent study showed that Growth Hormone and Erythropoietin (EPO) together have more than 50% of the total market share in the anabolic industry. The only problem that we see nowadays is lack of quality products that are available for online sale.
Due to strict regulations in the industry of hormone production only a handful of companies holding all required licenses for Growth Hormone production exist. As one of the youngest company that joined the club, is a European company Eurohormones. Somatropin, as they named their growth hormone product, is produced under a valid GMP license, meaning their product must have passed all strict pharmaceutical tests before it got license to be sold on the market. All these regulations that control the production of hormones are in place to guarantee high quality of the products and this is what we, consumers, can rely on.
If we take a closer look to the regulations for production of Growth Hormone we notice that only products containing up to 8 IU (International Units) are legitimate products and can be sold on the market (in pharmacy stores). Most common, legitimate and licensed products contain 4 IU or 8 IU, but unfortunately we see a lot of products that contains more than 8 IU of somatotropin. Products containing more than 8 IU can be related as underground GH products and when buying those, extra caution is never enough.
One of the best known legitimate GH products is Genotropin from company Pfizer (previously manufactured by Pharmacia, but later acquired by Pfizer), but unfortunately this product is almost impossible to buy online, therefore the new product Somatropin from Eurohormones was welcomed with a hands wide open among the online pharmacy owners.
Somatropin is available in a pack of 10 vials containing 8 IU each. Although the price of Somatropin ($449) is very attractive it may still be too expensive for some and therefore we will also sell single vials of 8 IU for $55 each. But this is not all, during the summer we offer a box of 10 vials for only $399 as a special promotion of this new product and 2 boxes for only $749. For more details please click here.
The next logical question that someone might ask is; what benefits do I get if I use Growth Hormone instead of Anabolic Steroids? There could be a simple answer, but we believe that a short note with the most common information about GH will much better answer this question...
Growth Hormone Facts
Growth Hormone (GH) or Somatotropin (STH) is a protein hormone which stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans and animals. Most of the physiologically important secretion occurs as several large pulses or peaks of GH release each day. The amount and pattern of GH secretion change throughout life. Basal levels are highest in early childhood. The amplitude and frequency of peaks is greatest during the pubertal growth spurt. Healthy children and adolescents average about 8 peaks per 24 hours. Adults average about 5 peaks. Basal levels and the frequency and amplitude of peaks decline throughout adult life.
Effects of growth hormone on the tissues of the body can generally be described as anabolic (building up). Like most other protein hormones, GH acts by interacting with a specific receptor on the surface of cells. Height growth in childhood is the best known effect of GH action, however it also serves many other metabolic functions;
It increases calcium retention, and strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone.
It increases muscle mass through the creation of new muscle cells
It promotes lipolysis, which results in the reduction of adipose tissue (body fat).
It increases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth
It reduces liver uptake of glucose, an effect that opposes that of insulin.
It contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets.
It stimulates the immune system, etc.
GH Therapies
In general, treatment with growth hormone is used for increasing height in children, but it may also be used for other benefits. Growth Hormone treatment improves muscle strength and slightly reduces body fat. Growth Hormone has also been shown to help maintain muscle mass.
Most common - non-medical - therapies with growth hormone are ;
GH treatment to reverse effects of aging in older adults
GH treatment to enhance weight loss in obesity
GH treatment for bodybuilding or athletic enhancement
Bodybuilding Therapy
Growth Hormone is a favored drug of many professional athletes and Olympic athletes, due to the fact that, as of 2005, there is no conclusive test to determine the presence of exogenous GH. Average dose for sport-related performance enhancement can be as low as 2 IU per day and all the way up to 10 IU per day taken by some professional bodybuilders.
Relatively few side effects are seen at doses of less 4 IU per day, but doses of 8+ IU per day have been known to have permanent side-effects ( please refere to the term acromegaly for more details). Most common dose within the safety boundaries would be from 4 IU to 8 IU administered every second day. Bodybuilders have also used insulin in combination with HGH to achieve further muscle size, density, vascularity, and the appearance of paper-thin skin sucked tightly to the muscle, however the recreational use of insulin is very dangerous and can lead to serious health risks, including diabetes .
Unlike anabolic steroids which must be cycled on and off to avoid permanently suppressing the body's hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA), GH does not suppress the HPGA and can be used without a break, for as long as desired. In practice, substantial results are usually only seen after continuous use of at least two months. Usually the non-prescribed use of growth hormone depends how long said individual can afford to stay on for. Because growth hormone is very expensive, costing typically at least $800 USD per month, but can cost (dependent on dosage and black-market cost) up to $4000USD per month. Growth Hormone is also stacked with anabolic steroids, especially potent androgens, like testosterone to work in synergy.
A simple 6 week cycle with 20 vials of 8 IU each from Eurohormones would cost you no more than $749. Should you need more vials for a longer cycle you have a great choice of buying extra box with 10 vials at additional $399 or any number of single vials for only $55 per vial. For more details about products please click here.
For additional information you are welcome to check our Knowledge section and read the Growth Hormone profile.
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discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that
includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
Due to strict regulations in the industry of hormone production only a handful of companies holding all required licenses for Growth Hormone production exist. As one of the youngest company that joined the club, is a European company Eurohormones. Somatropin, as they named their growth hormone product, is produced under a valid GMP license, meaning their product must have passed all strict pharmaceutical tests before it got license to be sold on the market. All these regulations that control the production of hormones are in place to guarantee high quality of the products and this is what we, consumers, can rely on.
If we take a closer look to the regulations for production of Growth Hormone we notice that only products containing up to 8 IU (International Units) are legitimate products and can be sold on the market (in pharmacy stores). Most common, legitimate and licensed products contain 4 IU or 8 IU, but unfortunately we see a lot of products that contains more than 8 IU of somatotropin. Products containing more than 8 IU can be related as underground GH products and when buying those, extra caution is never enough.
One of the best known legitimate GH products is Genotropin from company Pfizer (previously manufactured by Pharmacia, but later acquired by Pfizer), but unfortunately this product is almost impossible to buy online, therefore the new product Somatropin from Eurohormones was welcomed with a hands wide open among the online pharmacy owners.
Somatropin is available in a pack of 10 vials containing 8 IU each. Although the price of Somatropin ($449) is very attractive it may still be too expensive for some and therefore we will also sell single vials of 8 IU for $55 each. But this is not all, during the summer we offer a box of 10 vials for only $399 as a special promotion of this new product and 2 boxes for only $749. For more details please click here.
The next logical question that someone might ask is; what benefits do I get if I use Growth Hormone instead of Anabolic Steroids? There could be a simple answer, but we believe that a short note with the most common information about GH will much better answer this question...
Growth Hormone Facts
Growth Hormone (GH) or Somatotropin (STH) is a protein hormone which stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans and animals. Most of the physiologically important secretion occurs as several large pulses or peaks of GH release each day. The amount and pattern of GH secretion change throughout life. Basal levels are highest in early childhood. The amplitude and frequency of peaks is greatest during the pubertal growth spurt. Healthy children and adolescents average about 8 peaks per 24 hours. Adults average about 5 peaks. Basal levels and the frequency and amplitude of peaks decline throughout adult life.
Effects of growth hormone on the tissues of the body can generally be described as anabolic (building up). Like most other protein hormones, GH acts by interacting with a specific receptor on the surface of cells. Height growth in childhood is the best known effect of GH action, however it also serves many other metabolic functions;
It increases calcium retention, and strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone.
It increases muscle mass through the creation of new muscle cells
It promotes lipolysis, which results in the reduction of adipose tissue (body fat).
It increases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth
It reduces liver uptake of glucose, an effect that opposes that of insulin.
It contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets.
It stimulates the immune system, etc.
GH Therapies
In general, treatment with growth hormone is used for increasing height in children, but it may also be used for other benefits. Growth Hormone treatment improves muscle strength and slightly reduces body fat. Growth Hormone has also been shown to help maintain muscle mass.
Most common - non-medical - therapies with growth hormone are ;
GH treatment to reverse effects of aging in older adults
GH treatment to enhance weight loss in obesity
GH treatment for bodybuilding or athletic enhancement
Bodybuilding Therapy
Growth Hormone is a favored drug of many professional athletes and Olympic athletes, due to the fact that, as of 2005, there is no conclusive test to determine the presence of exogenous GH. Average dose for sport-related performance enhancement can be as low as 2 IU per day and all the way up to 10 IU per day taken by some professional bodybuilders.
Relatively few side effects are seen at doses of less 4 IU per day, but doses of 8+ IU per day have been known to have permanent side-effects ( please refere to the term acromegaly for more details). Most common dose within the safety boundaries would be from 4 IU to 8 IU administered every second day. Bodybuilders have also used insulin in combination with HGH to achieve further muscle size, density, vascularity, and the appearance of paper-thin skin sucked tightly to the muscle, however the recreational use of insulin is very dangerous and can lead to serious health risks, including diabetes .
Unlike anabolic steroids which must be cycled on and off to avoid permanently suppressing the body's hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA), GH does not suppress the HPGA and can be used without a break, for as long as desired. In practice, substantial results are usually only seen after continuous use of at least two months. Usually the non-prescribed use of growth hormone depends how long said individual can afford to stay on for. Because growth hormone is very expensive, costing typically at least $800 USD per month, but can cost (dependent on dosage and black-market cost) up to $4000USD per month. Growth Hormone is also stacked with anabolic steroids, especially potent androgens, like testosterone to work in synergy.
A simple 6 week cycle with 20 vials of 8 IU each from Eurohormones would cost you no more than $749. Should you need more vials for a longer cycle you have a great choice of buying extra box with 10 vials at additional $399 or any number of single vials for only $55 per vial. For more details about products please click here.
For additional information you are welcome to check our Knowledge section and read the Growth Hormone profile.
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Vitamin a - Health Secrets of Vitamin a Which you Must Know
In this Article i will tell you in detail the Vitamin A Benefits, sources and Deficiency.
Vitamin A or Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin and plays an important role in vision, development and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes; immune functions; and reproduction. Vitamin A or retinol, helps your eyes to adjust to light alteration when you come in from outside and also helps keep your eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist.
Vitamin A is essential for the utilization of protein and the production of testosterone and other development factors.
Vitamin A is found in any of these forms:
* Retinol
* Other retinoids - retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and compounds of similar nature.
* Carotenoids - organic pigments that are naturally found in plants.
what is the Daily requirement of Vitamin A-
Quantity of the amount of vitamin A is measured in retinol activity equivalents (RAE).
The suggested daily requirement for vitamin A is 700 RAE (retinol activity equivalent) per day for women and 900 RAE per day for men. But the requirements may be different from one person to another. The requirements may differ for growing children, during puberty, and for women who are pregnant or lactating; therefore, it is necessary to consult doctor for differences.
what are the Benefits of Vitamin A -
1) Vitamin A supports healthy surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts.
2) It Helps the skin and mucous membranes function as a barrier to bacteria and viruses.
3) It can also help boost the power of your white blood cells
4) It also keeps the mucus membranes, like the ones in your nose, moist.
Food sources of Vitamin A
Eating a range of foods that include vitamin A (and carotenes) is the finest method to get a sufficient amount.
Alcohol, coffee, or excessive iron can all reduce the body's supply of Vitamin A. But, the good information is that vitamin A is readily obtainable from numerous food sources.
Vitamin A can be obtained from food in two dissimilar forms -
1. Pro-vitamin A (also called beta-carotene). This is obtained from plant sources. It is mostly found in fruits and vegetables.
2. Pre-formed vitamin A (also called retinol or retinal) . This is obtained through animal sources. Main sources consist of liver, whole milk, and some equipped food products.
The top most vitamin A-rich foods consist of:
1) Sweet potato
2) Mango
3) Carrots
4) Spinach
5) Dried apricots
6) Cantaloupe
7) Egg yolk
9) Mozzarella cheese
10) Liver
Skimmed milk is often equipped with vitamin A because it is removed from milk with the fat.
What can happen with vitamin A deficiency?
1) Night blindness is one of the first Vitamin A Deficiency symptom
2) Vitamin A deficiency reduces the capability to fight infections, such as pneumonia.
3) Vitamin A Deficiency may increase a child's threat of developing respiratory infections, diarrhea, decreased growth rate and slow bone development.
Vegans who do not consume eggs and dairy foods need pro vitamin A carotenoids to fulfill their requirement for vitamin A. They should include at least of five servings of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet and habitually choose dark green leafy vegetables and orange and yellow fruits to fulfill suggested amounts of vitamin A.
Storage of Vitamin A -
Vitamins are simply destroyed during food preparation and storage.
1) To get the maximum vitamin possible from food, refrigerate and store milk and grains away from strong light.
2) To retain vitamin A try to supply fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible.
3) Steam vegetables, roast or bake meats in place of frying.
4) If you take vitamin supplements, keep them at room temperature in a dry place that is moisture free.
Vitamin A Overdose
Overdose of vitamin A cause tiredness, sluggishness, severe headache, vomiting, peeling of skin and hair loss.
Research recommends that having more than an average of 1.5mg per day of vitamin A over a lot of years may affect bones and make them more liable to fracture when grow older.
Older people, especially women, are already at danger of osteoporosis. This is where bone compactness reduces and so the risk of fractures grows.
If pregnant, having overdose of Vitamin A can harm your unborn baby. Therefore, if you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby, you should avoid eating liver products because these are very high in vitamin A quantity.
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Vitamin A or Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin and plays an important role in vision, development and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes; immune functions; and reproduction. Vitamin A or retinol, helps your eyes to adjust to light alteration when you come in from outside and also helps keep your eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist.
Vitamin A is essential for the utilization of protein and the production of testosterone and other development factors.
Vitamin A is found in any of these forms:
* Retinol
* Other retinoids - retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and compounds of similar nature.
* Carotenoids - organic pigments that are naturally found in plants.
what is the Daily requirement of Vitamin A-
Quantity of the amount of vitamin A is measured in retinol activity equivalents (RAE).
The suggested daily requirement for vitamin A is 700 RAE (retinol activity equivalent) per day for women and 900 RAE per day for men. But the requirements may be different from one person to another. The requirements may differ for growing children, during puberty, and for women who are pregnant or lactating; therefore, it is necessary to consult doctor for differences.
what are the Benefits of Vitamin A -
1) Vitamin A supports healthy surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts.
2) It Helps the skin and mucous membranes function as a barrier to bacteria and viruses.
3) It can also help boost the power of your white blood cells
4) It also keeps the mucus membranes, like the ones in your nose, moist.
Food sources of Vitamin A
Eating a range of foods that include vitamin A (and carotenes) is the finest method to get a sufficient amount.
Alcohol, coffee, or excessive iron can all reduce the body's supply of Vitamin A. But, the good information is that vitamin A is readily obtainable from numerous food sources.
Vitamin A can be obtained from food in two dissimilar forms -
1. Pro-vitamin A (also called beta-carotene). This is obtained from plant sources. It is mostly found in fruits and vegetables.
2. Pre-formed vitamin A (also called retinol or retinal) . This is obtained through animal sources. Main sources consist of liver, whole milk, and some equipped food products.
The top most vitamin A-rich foods consist of:
1) Sweet potato
2) Mango
3) Carrots
4) Spinach
5) Dried apricots
6) Cantaloupe
7) Egg yolk

9) Mozzarella cheese
10) Liver
Skimmed milk is often equipped with vitamin A because it is removed from milk with the fat.
What can happen with vitamin A deficiency?
1) Night blindness is one of the first Vitamin A Deficiency symptom
2) Vitamin A deficiency reduces the capability to fight infections, such as pneumonia.
3) Vitamin A Deficiency may increase a child's threat of developing respiratory infections, diarrhea, decreased growth rate and slow bone development.
Vegans who do not consume eggs and dairy foods need pro vitamin A carotenoids to fulfill their requirement for vitamin A. They should include at least of five servings of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet and habitually choose dark green leafy vegetables and orange and yellow fruits to fulfill suggested amounts of vitamin A.
Storage of Vitamin A -
Vitamins are simply destroyed during food preparation and storage.
1) To get the maximum vitamin possible from food, refrigerate and store milk and grains away from strong light.
2) To retain vitamin A try to supply fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible.
3) Steam vegetables, roast or bake meats in place of frying.
4) If you take vitamin supplements, keep them at room temperature in a dry place that is moisture free.
Vitamin A Overdose
Overdose of vitamin A cause tiredness, sluggishness, severe headache, vomiting, peeling of skin and hair loss.
Research recommends that having more than an average of 1.5mg per day of vitamin A over a lot of years may affect bones and make them more liable to fracture when grow older.
Older people, especially women, are already at danger of osteoporosis. This is where bone compactness reduces and so the risk of fractures grows.
If pregnant, having overdose of Vitamin A can harm your unborn baby. Therefore, if you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby, you should avoid eating liver products because these are very high in vitamin A quantity.
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Winstrol Depot (stanozolol)
Winstrol Depot is a popular product used by many bodybuilders and other athletes. It's main purpose in sport's use is to gain lean muscle mass and cut the body to appear more muscular and hard. Winstrol Depot is an injectable steroid that shows major androgenic characteristics. It must not be confused with Winstrol, which is available in tablet form only. Winstrol Depot stays in the body longer than Winstrol as the name itself suggests (Depot). Winstrol is an oral steroid, very similar to Winstrol Depot but with a slightly different characteristics.
Winstrol Depot and Winstrol however, are only a brand names of the company Zambon for the products that contain the active substance Stanozolol. In the recent past Zambon was the only manufacturer of Winstrol and Winstrol Depot, but because of the always greater demands and higher restrictions many companies have started it's own production of Stanozolol products. However different companies use different brand names as the brand name for Winstrol Depot is reserved and copyrighted by Zambon. ?Among other companies that produce Stanozolol products, British Dragon is the most reputable. It's version of Stanozolol is called Stanabol 50. It is available in a 10 ml bottle, containing 50 mg of Stanozolol per 1 ml. This equals the amount of 10 vials of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, but the price for Stanabol 50 is lower. Considering the equal quality of both products the Stanabol 50 has the advantage of being cheaper and available in more suitable vial and it is currently the best product to buy.There are other companies on the market like Eurochem Laboratories that's worth mentioning. Their product is called Stanoject 50 and is rather equal to the British Dragon Stanabol 50, but with one major difference. Stanoject 50 does not achieve the high quality of Stanabol 50.
Underground products and fakes
However, the market is full of products developed by so called underground companies and they are offering low quality Stanozolol products or even fakes. Nowadays a lot of fakes are available instead of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, so you have to be very careful if you are buying Winstrol Depot from non-reputable online sources as there is a 90% chance that you will buy an expensive fake product. As the situation is getting worse and there is less and less supplies available directly from Zambon many online pharmacy stores are considering to discontinue the sale of Winstrol Depot (Zambon) in the future. The only substitution for Winstrol Depot at the moment is Stanabol 50 from British Dragon. All others cannot compete, because of the quality measures.
Legitimate products
List of the most important Stanozolol containing products is as follows;
Winstrol Depot (Zambon)
Winstrol (Zambon)
Stanabol 50 (British Dragon)
Stanabol (British Dragon
Stanoject 50 (Eurochem Laboratories)
Short Description
Winstrol Depot or Winstrol with a generic name Stanozolol, is a very effective steroid when used correctly. It is important to distinguish between the two different forms of administration of stanozolol, since the injectable Winstrol Depot is distinctly more effective than the oral Winstrol. What is special about the injectable Winstrol Depot is that its substance is dissolved in water which means that Winstrol Depot must be injected much more frequently than the oil-dissolved steroids. Active ingredient Stanozolol prevents Winstrol Depot from aromatizing into estrogens with water retention occurring only rarely, thus giving it a clear role in bodybuilding: preparation for a competition. Winstrol Depot, however, is not only especially suited during preparation for a competition but also in a gaining phase. Since it does not cause water retention rapid weight gains with Winstrol Depot are very rare. However, a solid muscle gain and an over proportionally strong strength increase occur, usually remaining after use of the compound is discontinued. Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol Depot with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone esters or Deca-Durabolin.
With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the "first pass"). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, the possibility of liver damage cannot be excluded with the injectable however. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be amplified when adding other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Winstrol. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks). It is also of note that both versions of Winstrol have been linked to strong adverse changes in HDULDL cholesterol levels. This side effect is common with anabolic steroid therapy, and obviously can become a health concern as the dose/duration of intake increase above normal. The oral version should have a greater impact on cholesterol values than the injectable due to the method of administration and may therefore be the worse choice of the two for those concerned and this side effect.
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Winstrol Depot and Winstrol however, are only a brand names of the company Zambon for the products that contain the active substance Stanozolol. In the recent past Zambon was the only manufacturer of Winstrol and Winstrol Depot, but because of the always greater demands and higher restrictions many companies have started it's own production of Stanozolol products. However different companies use different brand names as the brand name for Winstrol Depot is reserved and copyrighted by Zambon. ?Among other companies that produce Stanozolol products, British Dragon is the most reputable. It's version of Stanozolol is called Stanabol 50. It is available in a 10 ml bottle, containing 50 mg of Stanozolol per 1 ml. This equals the amount of 10 vials of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, but the price for Stanabol 50 is lower. Considering the equal quality of both products the Stanabol 50 has the advantage of being cheaper and available in more suitable vial and it is currently the best product to buy.There are other companies on the market like Eurochem Laboratories that's worth mentioning. Their product is called Stanoject 50 and is rather equal to the British Dragon Stanabol 50, but with one major difference. Stanoject 50 does not achieve the high quality of Stanabol 50.
Underground products and fakes
However, the market is full of products developed by so called underground companies and they are offering low quality Stanozolol products or even fakes. Nowadays a lot of fakes are available instead of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, so you have to be very careful if you are buying Winstrol Depot from non-reputable online sources as there is a 90% chance that you will buy an expensive fake product. As the situation is getting worse and there is less and less supplies available directly from Zambon many online pharmacy stores are considering to discontinue the sale of Winstrol Depot (Zambon) in the future. The only substitution for Winstrol Depot at the moment is Stanabol 50 from British Dragon. All others cannot compete, because of the quality measures.
Legitimate products
List of the most important Stanozolol containing products is as follows;
Winstrol Depot (Zambon)
Winstrol (Zambon)
Stanabol 50 (British Dragon)
Stanabol (British Dragon
Stanoject 50 (Eurochem Laboratories)
Short Description
Winstrol Depot or Winstrol with a generic name Stanozolol, is a very effective steroid when used correctly. It is important to distinguish between the two different forms of administration of stanozolol, since the injectable Winstrol Depot is distinctly more effective than the oral Winstrol. What is special about the injectable Winstrol Depot is that its substance is dissolved in water which means that Winstrol Depot must be injected much more frequently than the oil-dissolved steroids. Active ingredient Stanozolol prevents Winstrol Depot from aromatizing into estrogens with water retention occurring only rarely, thus giving it a clear role in bodybuilding: preparation for a competition. Winstrol Depot, however, is not only especially suited during preparation for a competition but also in a gaining phase. Since it does not cause water retention rapid weight gains with Winstrol Depot are very rare. However, a solid muscle gain and an over proportionally strong strength increase occur, usually remaining after use of the compound is discontinued. Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol Depot with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone esters or Deca-Durabolin.
With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the "first pass"). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, the possibility of liver damage cannot be excluded with the injectable however. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be amplified when adding other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Winstrol. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks). It is also of note that both versions of Winstrol have been linked to strong adverse changes in HDULDL cholesterol levels. This side effect is common with anabolic steroid therapy, and obviously can become a health concern as the dose/duration of intake increase above normal. The oral version should have a greater impact on cholesterol values than the injectable due to the method of administration and may therefore be the worse choice of the two for those concerned and this side effect.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
Guide to Antiaging Antioxidant
What is an antiaging antioxidant? Does it actually work? Those are two very important questions and I hope to answer them both to the best of my ability in this brief outline. In order to understand how an antiaging antioxidant can help you, we first need to understand what an antioxidant does.
An antioxidant is any substance that slows or halts oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of an electron by a molecule, ion, or an atom. This is effectively harmful to the body as the loss of electrons has a negative effect on natural growth and aging and can prove to be very destructive. Antioxidants are important in chemical biology and organic chemistry as they reduce chemical damage on biological elements. A diet containing antioxidants is important for humans as plants contain the proper nutrients to provide the body with what it needs.
Antioxidants are also widely used in many dietary supplements and can prevent types of heart disease and cancer as well. Most medical professionals warn against excessive use of antioxidants, however, and care should be taken in using supplements without the express permission of your doctor.
Antioxidants are vital in the antiaging process mainly because it reduces oxidative damage to the biochemicals and the cells in your body. An antiaging antioxidant can help reduce the effects of aging by maintaining a positive balance between chemicals and maintaining cellular integrity. Various types of antioxidants fulfill different roles such as preventing cardiovascular damage or atherosclerosis.
Now, an antiaging antioxidant can help you in any number of ways.
The benefits of antioxidants are closely related to eye health, for example. There are many antioxidants that help promote good eye health by preventing macular degeneration, cataracts or either eye illnesses that are prevalent in the elderly.
Antioxidants also keep the immune system healthy and balanced and can even boost a weakened immune system. They can prevent degeneration of the brain functions and also maintain the integrity of the nervous system, promote good cardiovascular health, and also assist in good DNA. To find out the best antioxidant for your personal situation, consult your medical professional.
Some antioxidants are harmful if taken incorrectly. There are plants that produce acids that are indigestible in our systems and these should be avoided if possible. There are also toxicity limits that can be exceeded with improper use of a particular antioxidant, so once again care must be taken in terms of these products, especially if you are using processed antioxidants.
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An antioxidant is any substance that slows or halts oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of an electron by a molecule, ion, or an atom. This is effectively harmful to the body as the loss of electrons has a negative effect on natural growth and aging and can prove to be very destructive. Antioxidants are important in chemical biology and organic chemistry as they reduce chemical damage on biological elements. A diet containing antioxidants is important for humans as plants contain the proper nutrients to provide the body with what it needs.
Antioxidants are also widely used in many dietary supplements and can prevent types of heart disease and cancer as well. Most medical professionals warn against excessive use of antioxidants, however, and care should be taken in using supplements without the express permission of your doctor.
Antioxidants are vital in the antiaging process mainly because it reduces oxidative damage to the biochemicals and the cells in your body. An antiaging antioxidant can help reduce the effects of aging by maintaining a positive balance between chemicals and maintaining cellular integrity. Various types of antioxidants fulfill different roles such as preventing cardiovascular damage or atherosclerosis.
Now, an antiaging antioxidant can help you in any number of ways.
The benefits of antioxidants are closely related to eye health, for example. There are many antioxidants that help promote good eye health by preventing macular degeneration, cataracts or either eye illnesses that are prevalent in the elderly.
Antioxidants also keep the immune system healthy and balanced and can even boost a weakened immune system. They can prevent degeneration of the brain functions and also maintain the integrity of the nervous system, promote good cardiovascular health, and also assist in good DNA. To find out the best antioxidant for your personal situation, consult your medical professional.
Some antioxidants are harmful if taken incorrectly. There are plants that produce acids that are indigestible in our systems and these should be avoided if possible. There are also toxicity limits that can be exceeded with improper use of a particular antioxidant, so once again care must be taken in terms of these products, especially if you are using processed antioxidants.
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24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin,
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includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
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Guide to Antiaging Antioxidant
What is an antiaging antioxidant? Does it actually work? Those are two very important questions and I hope to answer them both to the best of my ability in this brief outline. In order to understand how an antiaging antioxidant can help you, we first need to understand what an antioxidant does.
An antioxidant is any substance that slows or halts oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of an electron by a molecule, ion, or an atom. This is effectively harmful to the body as the loss of electrons has a negative effect on natural growth and aging and can prove to be very destructive. Antioxidants are important in chemical biology and organic chemistry as they reduce chemical damage on biological elements. A diet containing antioxidants is important for humans as plants contain the proper nutrients to provide the body with what it needs.
Antioxidants are also widely used in many dietary supplements and can prevent types of heart disease and cancer as well. Most medical professionals warn against excessive use of antioxidants, however, and care should be taken in using supplements without the express permission of your doctor.
Antioxidants are vital in the antiaging process mainly because it reduces oxidative damage to the biochemicals and the cells in your body. An antiaging antioxidant can help reduce the effects of aging by maintaining a positive balance between chemicals and maintaining cellular integrity. Various types of antioxidants fulfill different roles such as preventing cardiovascular damage or atherosclerosis.
Now, an antiaging antioxidant can help you in any number of ways.
The benefits of antioxidants are closely related to eye health, for example. There are many antioxidants that help promote good eye health by preventing macular degeneration, cataracts or either eye illnesses that are prevalent in the elderly.
Antioxidants also keep the immune system healthy and balanced and can even boost a weakened immune system. They can prevent degeneration of the brain functions and also maintain the integrity of the nervous system, promote good cardiovascular health, and also assist in good DNA. To find out the best antioxidant for your personal situation, consult your medical professional.
Some antioxidants are harmful if taken incorrectly. There are plants that produce acids that are indigestible in our systems and these should be avoided if possible. There are also toxicity limits that can be exceeded with improper use of a particular antioxidant, so once again care must be taken in terms of these products, especially if you are using processed antioxidants.
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includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
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An antioxidant is any substance that slows or halts oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of an electron by a molecule, ion, or an atom. This is effectively harmful to the body as the loss of electrons has a negative effect on natural growth and aging and can prove to be very destructive. Antioxidants are important in chemical biology and organic chemistry as they reduce chemical damage on biological elements. A diet containing antioxidants is important for humans as plants contain the proper nutrients to provide the body with what it needs.
Antioxidants are also widely used in many dietary supplements and can prevent types of heart disease and cancer as well. Most medical professionals warn against excessive use of antioxidants, however, and care should be taken in using supplements without the express permission of your doctor.
Antioxidants are vital in the antiaging process mainly because it reduces oxidative damage to the biochemicals and the cells in your body. An antiaging antioxidant can help reduce the effects of aging by maintaining a positive balance between chemicals and maintaining cellular integrity. Various types of antioxidants fulfill different roles such as preventing cardiovascular damage or atherosclerosis.
Now, an antiaging antioxidant can help you in any number of ways.
The benefits of antioxidants are closely related to eye health, for example. There are many antioxidants that help promote good eye health by preventing macular degeneration, cataracts or either eye illnesses that are prevalent in the elderly.
Antioxidants also keep the immune system healthy and balanced and can even boost a weakened immune system. They can prevent degeneration of the brain functions and also maintain the integrity of the nervous system, promote good cardiovascular health, and also assist in good DNA. To find out the best antioxidant for your personal situation, consult your medical professional.
Some antioxidants are harmful if taken incorrectly. There are plants that produce acids that are indigestible in our systems and these should be avoided if possible. There are also toxicity limits that can be exceeded with improper use of a particular antioxidant, so once again care must be taken in terms of these products, especially if you are using processed antioxidants.
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Hair Loss in Women – Understand Why
Our culture has a certain standard of beauty and that definitely includes a woman having hair. There is a reason for women to panic when they find their hair is clogging the shower drain. Hair loss in women can ruin a woman?s self esteem which can result in other psychological problems.
More and more women are facing the hard fact of serious hair loss. It is a problem that is affecting at least 30 million women in the United States alone. To understand why hair loss in women may be occurring, you need to know a bit about how your hair grows.
You can expect your hair to grow at a rate of ? an inch per month. Each of those hairs has a phase of growth from 2 to 6 years. It is at the end of this period that the hair ?rests? and then it falls out. The hair follicle then begins to grow a new strand of hair for the cycle to continue, sometimes far into our golden years.
There are those people who are born with an inherited gene for hair loss. There is a group of hormones that interfere with the process called androgens. These hormones are in all men?s bodies in large quantities and smaller amounts in women.
Men and women do not experience hair loss in the same way. Hair loss in women tends to occur around the entire top of the head, whereas men often have a bald spot in the back of their head, around their temples and the crown of the head. It is now thought that different factors contribute to hair loss in women, than those of men.
To find more information on the other factors and causes of hair loss in women, you can find all you need when you search online. You can find treatments for hair loss in women and advice from experts and sufferers alike. You can even join a chat group that focuses specifically on hair loss in women and you can speak to others about remedies they have tried before you spend your money on any bogus treatments.
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Your bodybuilding requirements.
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Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
More and more women are facing the hard fact of serious hair loss. It is a problem that is affecting at least 30 million women in the United States alone. To understand why hair loss in women may be occurring, you need to know a bit about how your hair grows.
You can expect your hair to grow at a rate of ? an inch per month. Each of those hairs has a phase of growth from 2 to 6 years. It is at the end of this period that the hair ?rests? and then it falls out. The hair follicle then begins to grow a new strand of hair for the cycle to continue, sometimes far into our golden years.
There are those people who are born with an inherited gene for hair loss. There is a group of hormones that interfere with the process called androgens. These hormones are in all men?s bodies in large quantities and smaller amounts in women.
Men and women do not experience hair loss in the same way. Hair loss in women tends to occur around the entire top of the head, whereas men often have a bald spot in the back of their head, around their temples and the crown of the head. It is now thought that different factors contribute to hair loss in women, than those of men.
To find more information on the other factors and causes of hair loss in women, you can find all you need when you search online. You can find treatments for hair loss in women and advice from experts and sufferers alike. You can even join a chat group that focuses specifically on hair loss in women and you can speak to others about remedies they have tried before you spend your money on any bogus treatments.
24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within
24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin,
sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and
customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special
Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity
purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol...
discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that
includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
Healthy Food for Wealthy Life
Nowadays people are getting more and more health conscious.
Nutritionists and doctors always advise us to eat healthy food.
Most of us ignore the advice and eat whatever our taste buds prefer.
We eat more of tasty food without paying much attention to healthy food.
The quantity of food we eat also determines our health.
Food taken more than the requirement is only digested partially and the rest acts as a foreign substance.
Hunger is the natural expression of the needs of the system and appetite is the index for the quantity of food to be taken.
The nutritional quality of various kinds of foods is being described in a most popular language to feed the brains of the common men and women.
The lists of healthy foods are being published in books and health magazines.
‘Do not eat junk food’ is a slogan we hear from the four corners of the world.
Still the restaurants selling the junk food are increasing in number all over the world.
Mostly young people are trapped by the chain of food stalls which impart an injurious habit.
Americans eat more of junk foods than any other nationals, because of their multiplicity and availability.
Healthy food is one which has less oil (fat), salt and spices.
But our tongue looks for oily, salty and spicy foods for a better taste.
How to compromise?
In fact, diet influences every aspects of our life including our mood, body weight, sexuality, fertility, life span etc.,
Breakfast followed by lunch, evening snack and night dinner is a set pattern followed by everyone in the world, with slight modification at times.
Whatever healthy food we eat should be digested before we take the next course of food.
Better digestion takes place only when we do physical exercise.
In other words, calories have to be burnt to gain energy to do work.
Reducing the body weight is one of the major problems faced by a good lot of people in most of the developed countries.
Obesity has become almost a disease to fight with.
In fact, vegetable and fruits are considered to be healthy foods, because of their fibre and mineral contents.
Non vegetarians get animal proteins from fish, mutton, beef and chicken.
Milk and its products such as curd, cheese and cream contain most of the essential nutrients we require.
Similarly, egg also is a good source of protein.
It is always debated whether vegetarian diet is superior to non vegetarian diet.
There are arguments for and against each type of diet.
One thing acceptable from these arguments is the selection of food to eat depends on the climatic conditions in which one lives.
People living in temperate region prefer non vegetarian diet whereas people in the tropics prefer vegetarian diet.
Healthy food for children, middle aged and aged people will also vary.
Food nutrition is a good field of specialization.
Standards have been fixed for good food based on their chemistry.
Dieticians know much about the standards and they also know about what to eat and what not to eat.
Because of greediness for excess production of food for the ever increasing population, all sorts of adulteration take place.
Such adulterations are not known fully well to the people who consume such foods.
Production of most of the agricultural products is subjected to poisonous pesticides and other chemicals.
Animals and birds are being injected with excess doses of antibiotics and growth promoting hormones.
The reseals as well as the accumulated substances are accompanied with the consumed meat creating trouble to humans.
Therefore, the movement of organic agriculture is gaining importance in every country.
Food safety is the talk of the day.
Safe food and environment are needed for human health.
Thus healthy food has a number of dimensions.
One has to take care of his or her health by going through the details of healthy food.
Strict control on the food we eat is essential to achieve a healthy life for a happy stay in this Planet.
Let us not neglect the habit of taking only healthy food and feeding our children with it.
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discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that
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Nutritionists and doctors always advise us to eat healthy food.
Most of us ignore the advice and eat whatever our taste buds prefer.
We eat more of tasty food without paying much attention to healthy food.
The quantity of food we eat also determines our health.
Food taken more than the requirement is only digested partially and the rest acts as a foreign substance.
Hunger is the natural expression of the needs of the system and appetite is the index for the quantity of food to be taken.
The nutritional quality of various kinds of foods is being described in a most popular language to feed the brains of the common men and women.
The lists of healthy foods are being published in books and health magazines.
‘Do not eat junk food’ is a slogan we hear from the four corners of the world.
Still the restaurants selling the junk food are increasing in number all over the world.
Mostly young people are trapped by the chain of food stalls which impart an injurious habit.
Americans eat more of junk foods than any other nationals, because of their multiplicity and availability.
Healthy food is one which has less oil (fat), salt and spices.
But our tongue looks for oily, salty and spicy foods for a better taste.
How to compromise?
In fact, diet influences every aspects of our life including our mood, body weight, sexuality, fertility, life span etc.,
Breakfast followed by lunch, evening snack and night dinner is a set pattern followed by everyone in the world, with slight modification at times.
Whatever healthy food we eat should be digested before we take the next course of food.
Better digestion takes place only when we do physical exercise.
In other words, calories have to be burnt to gain energy to do work.
Reducing the body weight is one of the major problems faced by a good lot of people in most of the developed countries.
Obesity has become almost a disease to fight with.
In fact, vegetable and fruits are considered to be healthy foods, because of their fibre and mineral contents.
Non vegetarians get animal proteins from fish, mutton, beef and chicken.
Milk and its products such as curd, cheese and cream contain most of the essential nutrients we require.
Similarly, egg also is a good source of protein.
It is always debated whether vegetarian diet is superior to non vegetarian diet.
There are arguments for and against each type of diet.
One thing acceptable from these arguments is the selection of food to eat depends on the climatic conditions in which one lives.
People living in temperate region prefer non vegetarian diet whereas people in the tropics prefer vegetarian diet.
Healthy food for children, middle aged and aged people will also vary.
Food nutrition is a good field of specialization.
Standards have been fixed for good food based on their chemistry.
Dieticians know much about the standards and they also know about what to eat and what not to eat.
Because of greediness for excess production of food for the ever increasing population, all sorts of adulteration take place.
Such adulterations are not known fully well to the people who consume such foods.
Production of most of the agricultural products is subjected to poisonous pesticides and other chemicals.
Animals and birds are being injected with excess doses of antibiotics and growth promoting hormones.
The reseals as well as the accumulated substances are accompanied with the consumed meat creating trouble to humans.
Therefore, the movement of organic agriculture is gaining importance in every country.
Food safety is the talk of the day.
Safe food and environment are needed for human health.
Thus healthy food has a number of dimensions.
One has to take care of his or her health by going through the details of healthy food.
Strict control on the food we eat is essential to achieve a healthy life for a happy stay in this Planet.
Let us not neglect the habit of taking only healthy food and feeding our children with it.
24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within
24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin,
sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and
customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special
Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity
purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol...
discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that
includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all
Your bodybuilding requirements.
Deca Durabolin,
Visit us http://www.shrenksonlinepharma.com
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