Thursday, May 15, 2008

Acne Scarring Tissue Treatments

Unfortunately, when a person experiences a serious outbreak of acne, the tissue of the skin becomes damaged, which results in scarring. In addition, many people have a bad habit of picking, pinching, squeezing, or scratching at the acne, which only makes matters worse. As a result, scars develop, which are unsightly. If you have this problem, you need to know that you do have a number of options to help, both medically and from a home remedy standpoint.

The best thing you can do is seek help as soon as the acne begins. By getting a good handle on the problem early, you can avoid some of the deep scarring problems. Then of course, make sure you eat a healthy diet and avoid messing with the infected areas. We suggest you talk to a doctor to determine the best traditional or over the counter product to prevent scarring in the first place. However, if you already have acne scarring, solutions are available.

If you decide to go the traditional route, your doctor may start by recommending dermabrasion. This procedure is designed to scrape away the damaged area of the skin. Once this is done, new skin underneath is exposed, which now heals and becomes the surface skin void of scarring. Although somewhat uncomfortable, the results are generally very good. For dermabrasion, you can expect to go through a healing phase in which the skin scabs over, becomes red, swollen, and dry. However, this will pass, revealing beautiful new skin.

Your doctor may also suggest something like laser resurfacing, which works very similar to dermabrasion expect a high-powered laser light is used. The benefit here, especially for people with deep acne scarring, is that the laser can penetrate deeper than the dermabrasion procedure. Again, redness, scarring, bruising, and swelling are all a part of the healing process, which will go away.

Chemical peels are also used by many dermatologists for helping with acne scarring. However, this particular solution is not intended for deep scarring although it works great on mild to moderate cases. As with the other traditional options, the top layer of skin is removed with a strong chemical. Once the healing process is complete, new, healthy, and taught skin is exposed.

Now, if you are afraid or worried about these types of treatments, you do have some options for things that can be done at home. For instance, lemons can lighten dark acne scars. All you do is use a cotton swab to dab lemon juice onto the affected area, leave it for about 10 minutes, and rinse. Baking soda also works in that it offers a mild abrasive material to exfoliate the skin, somewhat like dermabrasion. Simply mix baking soda with a little rose water; gently rub it into the scarred areas, and then rinse.



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Acne Scarring Tissue Treatments

Unfortunately, when a person experiences a serious outbreak of acne, the tissue of the skin becomes damaged, which results in scarring. In addition, many people have a bad habit of picking, pinching, squeezing, or scratching at the acne, which only makes matters worse. As a result, scars develop, which are unsightly. If you have this problem, you need to know that you do have a number of options to help, both medically and from a home remedy standpoint.

The best thing you can do is seek help as soon as the acne begins. By getting a good handle on the problem early, you can avoid some of the deep scarring problems. Then of course, make sure you eat a healthy diet and avoid messing with the infected areas. We suggest you talk to a doctor to determine the best traditional or over the counter product to prevent scarring in the first place. However, if you already have acne scarring, solutions are available.

If you decide to go the traditional route, your doctor may start by recommending dermabrasion. This procedure is designed to scrape away the damaged area of the skin. Once this is done, new skin underneath is exposed, which now heals and becomes the surface skin void of scarring. Although somewhat uncomfortable, the results are generally very good. For dermabrasion, you can expect to go through a healing phase in which the skin scabs over, becomes red, swollen, and dry. However, this will pass, revealing beautiful new skin.

Your doctor may also suggest something like laser resurfacing, which works very similar to dermabrasion expect a high-powered laser light is used. The benefit here, especially for people with deep acne scarring, is that the laser can penetrate deeper than the dermabrasion procedure. Again, redness, scarring, bruising, and swelling are all a part of the healing process, which will go away.

Chemical peels are also used by many dermatologists for helping with acne scarring. However, this particular solution is not intended for deep scarring although it works great on mild to moderate cases. As with the other traditional options, the top layer of skin is removed with a strong chemical. Once the healing process is complete, new, healthy, and taught skin is exposed.

Now, if you are afraid or worried about these types of treatments, you do have some options for things that can be done at home. For instance, lemons can lighten dark acne scars. All you do is use a cotton swab to dab lemon juice onto the affected area, leave it for about 10 minutes, and rinse. Baking soda also works in that it offers a mild abrasive material to exfoliate the skin, somewhat like dermabrasion. Simply mix baking soda with a little rose water; gently rub it into the scarred areas, and then rinse.



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Acne Scarring

Having Surgery To Reduce Scars

For some people, acne is merely an inconvenient and occasional breakout. Unfortunately, other people experience severe acne, which is not only unsightly, but also damaging, leaving deep scars. For people with serious acne, natural and traditional products do not work. Sure, they may reduce the severity of breakouts but they do nothing to fix the scarring.

In this case, another type of solution is available, which is surgery to remove acne scarring. As you can imagine, the decision to have acne scars removed via surgery is a serious one but if you work with a qualified dermatologist, you can have remarkable and permanent results. The most important thing is to do your homework first, choosing a board certified doctor, one that specializes in this type of treatment option.

For starters, a reputable dermatologist will consider a number of factors prior to agreeing to do surgery. For instance, the doctor would need to consider things such as your overall health, age, skin type, and of course, the degree of scarring left by the acne. In addition, many doctors will also try different types of treatments first before jumping into surgery. While you may be ready to just "go for it", having a doctor that uses surgery for removing acne scarring as a last resort is generally a good doctor.

The most common type of surgery used is known as dermabrasion, which works by removing the top layer of skin. With this, new or virgin skin is exposed, skin that is void of scarring. When done right, the underneath skin looks smooth and undamaged. As you can imagine, having new skin without acne scarring can give a person life back, a life without teasing or low self-esteem.

In addition to dermabrasion, surgery to remove acne scarring may involve a chemical peel, which also removes the top layer of skin. With dermabrasion, the skin is removed with an abrasive tool or product whereas a chemical peel uses harsh chemicals that burn away the skin. For this reason, it is vital that a qualified doctor perform the procedure. The difference with a chemical peel is that the face will become red and swollen while new skin regenerates.

Laser treatment is relatively new but highly effective. For this particular acne treatment, a special, high-energy laser tool is used to burn the scarred and damaged skin away. Although not usually used for deep scarring caused by acne, this option can be very beneficial when fine scarring is the problem. In most cases, the visible scars are diminished, giving the individual better-looking skin.

Finally, if you have deep scars as the result of acne, your doctor may recommend you undergo a procedure called punch grafting. In this case, skin that is not damaged is removed and used to replace areas of the skin that are damaged. Of course, each person's needs are different so working closely with a good doctor will allow you the best consultation.



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Baby Acne

Yes Babies Can Get Acne Too!

Baby acne - What can I do about it?

Imagine you have a beautiful newborn baby and instead of seeing a clean skin you're seeing a baby with a skin full of pimples. Therefore I wrote this article about baby acne. Fist I give you a definition what baby acne is, then five points that causes baby acne
and last but not least tips how to handle your baby's acne.

What is baby acne? Baby acne also known as acne neonatorum is a condition that affect 20% of the newborn babies.
You see red pimples on the cheek in most cases but also on the forehead and chin. It can happen that it shows up directly after birth but in most cases you will see the acne appearing within a few weeks after the birth.
In most cases the acne disappears after three months. If not you should inform a doctor about it! Perhaps you have seen tiny bumps on a newborn baby face if they disappear within a few weeks then it's not acne but milia, milia is unrelated to baby acne.

What causes baby acne?

There are several factors that can cause acne on the skin of the baby.

* As with adolescent acne, the condition can be caused by a skin irritation
* Medicines can causes baby acne as well
* It's possible that mineral oil or petroleum can cause baby acne
* The hormones of the mother, As the baby gets older, it loses the mother's hormones and so the baby acne goes away.
* Drugs, taken by the baby or by the mother who is pregnant, can cause baby acne as well

Treatments for baby acne?

- It may surprise you but oil and lotions do not help. What can help is cleaning the face of the baby once a day with water or you can use a baby soap.
Don't scrub the face of your baby, scrubbing can cause skin irritation.

- Use a product with a vinegar solution make sure you buy a product with all natural ingredients.

- Keep in mind that it is not a good idea to put creams or oils on the face of your baby. This solution can work with teenager or adult acne but it will not help with baby acne.

- If you see that your baby still haves acne after a period of three months than it's time that you talk with your doctor about this problem.

- Just leave it alone, perhaps you think what a great tip, but most of the times baby acne disappears on his own.

You see baby acne isn't worse at all. I hope with reading this article you have picked up some tips to cure or prevent the acne of your baby.



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Adult Acne

Adult acne is much more common than many people think. Basically Adult acne is the same skin condition as adolescent acne. Adult acne is often called Acne Rosacea, while adolescent acne is call Acne Vulgaris. Most adults who have Adult acne have inherited genes that make them prone to acne development.

There are two types of acne, open and closed called blackheads and whiteheads respectively. Acne forms pimples, they are made up of a combination of skin debris and fat deposits in a hair follicle. A pimple develops when the deposits rupture the hair follicle wall causing irritation.

Treatments for Adult Acne are the same as with other forms of acne. There are lots of over the counter solutions and the internet offers many excellent products. Some of the best products cannot be bought in stores at this time. Looking through the offers on the internet will be time well spent.

If after 8 weeks you have not had satisfactory results you should seek a consultation with a dermatologist. Your skin type may require a specialized treatment to achieve the desired results. Do not scrub your face as this can cause acne to become worse, you should gently wash your face twice daily. It is also recommended that you do not squeeze pimples, this practice can lead to scarring of the skin.



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Free Acne Tips

If you have acne, see your doctor.
Acne can be more than skin deep. Often, acne doesn't just affect us physically...
Keep your hands away from your pimples.
Don't aggravate your acne! Squeezing or picking pimples will only increase inflammation...
What causes acne?
Acne is the visible end result of hormonal, bacterial and inflammatory disturbances....
Plugged pores can result in acne.
Common factors that cause our pores to become clogged are cosmetics, hair products and hats...
Proper use of acne cleansers.
Acne cleansers remove accumulated oil, makeup, sweat and dirt from the surface of your skin...
What is this red mark? ...
The pimple's gone - why is there a red mark? You may notice a bright red mark where the pimple used...
Do you have mild acne?...
You may want to seek out acne cleansers containing salicyclic acid, which is effective in breaking d...
Increased sun sensitivity? ...
Some of the most common acne medications, including tetracycline and the retinoids, can make your sk...



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Acne Myths

Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have?

An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath.

When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems.

Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers.

The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty:

1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged.

2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules.

3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences.

4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems.

Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article.

The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily.

For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear.

After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since.

Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your.



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Wake Up With A Bad Spot? - Going on a date??

7 Quick Tips How To Get Rid Or reduce Spots Fast

It's everyone's worst nightmare. Waking up the day before a special event to discover a big, red pimple baring itself for all to see right on your face!

Here's how to get rid of it quickly and safely:

1. Don't ever pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple. This only causes it to become more red and inflamed, and will spread the bacteria and oils that caused it in the first place, to other parts of your face! It can also lead to scars.

2. Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to the pimple and hold it there for about 2 minutes. This will decrease the swelling and redness and help shrink the inflammation and pain that sometimes comes along with it.

3. They don't call it concealer for nothing! Covering the pimple with a light dose of flesh-tinted concealer can help mask it when you're in a hurry. It also helps cover up that oily shine.

4. Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild, unscented soap or a specialized acne cleanser that has no harsh chemicals (such as lye). Scrub skin gently with an exfoliating pad or washcloth, but don't rub too hard, otherwise you'll sap your skin of its own natural oils, which help to repel buildup naturally.

5. Apply a cream or ointment containing benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid (many over-the-counter acne medicines contain these ingredients) to the blemish or around the entire facial area. Note that these ingredients both have a tendency to dry out skin if used too much and are not recommended if you have sensitive skin.

6. Wear oil-free makeup whenever possible. These types have less of a tendency to cause the pore buildup that results in blemishes. Remove your makeup nightly and cleanse with an acne-fighting medicine to remove dirt, oil and makeup from deep within the skin.

7. If you're in need of a quick fix, a dab of toothpaste on the affected area right before bed can help soothe irritation and reduce redness. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can also reduce swelling and redness.

If you follow these tips, chances are you'll notice a significant difference rather quickly - often within a day or two. If pimples become a recurring problem or worsen, I suggest you take up the acne free in days program

Other long-term remedies, such as facial masks, diet adjustments and increasing the amount of water you drink can also help combat outbreaks.



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Tips For Blackhead Removal

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small "plugs" that develop in the pores of the skin. They are caused when the over active sebaceous (oil producing) glands in the skin become clogged with oil. This sebum then begins to harden in the pore. Since skin pores are open to the air, the top part of the hardened sebum or oil oxidizes, turning black. This black top of the oil plug is then forced closer to the surface of skin by the oil hardening beneath it. This then causes the blackhead to be visible.

It is not clearly understood why the sebaceous glands begin to become overactive. It is often noted that this situation begins at puberty, and may stop at the end of puberty leading to the conclusion that it is hormonally controlled. For some people this is not the case however, and they may continue to experience blackheads and whiteheads well past puberty and into adulthood. Whiteheads are formed the same way as blackheads with the exception that the pore is closed and the oxidation does not occur.

Acne results from infection of the oil gland due to the blockage by the blackhead. Preventing and removing blackheads helps to control acne.

Blackhead Removal

The following are some tips for removing blackheads:

- Keep the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Use natural or chemically prepared cleansers, astringent solutions or masks to accomplish this. Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the skin or any creams that leave an oily finish.

- Use a gentle exfoliant to keep the dead cells off your skin and away from the pore openings.

- Avoid harsh squeezing or scraping at the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore leading to more blackheads in the future.

- A warm compress of water applied to the area of the blackhead followed by a very, very gentle pressure can help in clearing the clog from the pore.

- Commercial "blackhead strips" which are basically a tape like substance that is placed over the nose and then pulled off will remove some blackheads that are at the surface. Caution should be used with these products and it is important to read the directions completely before deciding to use the strips or not.



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Why Is Acne Free In 3 Days So Effective?

This Is How It Works

The skin is the largest organ of the body and helps other organs of waste disposal. One of the best treatments for acne is a diet that will help the body eliminate waste so it won't 'interfere with your skin and cause acne. If you are sick on the inside, it will be reflected in your skin.

Your livers task is to remove hormones in your body. If your liver does not remove hormones fast enough you will end up with too much oil in your skin, leading to acne. As hormones are like an instruction manual telling your skin to produce more oil. The function of the liver is also to get rid of toxins. This is fine as long as there isn't an over-load in toxins, as the liver finds this difficult to remove.

Acne Acne Free In 3 Days makes your liver reduce and remove certain hormones by the step by step instructions

So what acne suffers toxins affect the most? Mycotoxins. These chemicals are excreted, waste of bacteria such as yeast, these usually found in the intestines. Mycotoxins strain on your liver and obviously you know what this leads to....Acne

Using food to treat acne as a natural means was not as bad as I thought it would be. There are many foods that help the liver and help eliminate waste from the body.

Two of the best foods are apples and psyllium husks. They both contain fibers that act like a broom and to absorb and repel all junk that 'stuck in your intestines, sometimes even things that has been there for many years! The 'junk ' is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that produce mycotoxins.

The Acne Free In 3 Days program explains how to utilize these and apply them to a daily program to reduce acne significantly.

To cure your acne, you need to correct the problems inside your body that are causing your acne. No over-the-counter creams can do this. They can kill bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness.

Acne Free In 3 Days uses natural means to adjust your bodies balance. This is considered one of the best means of acne treatment, as the skin and body is natural so it can be adjusted by other natural sources.

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Getting Rid Of Acne Was Easy

Years of suffering from acne has committed me to helping others. I decided to write about how it effected me, and the products used to treat and the acne treatment cure I finally found, so that anyone who suffers from acne can benefit from this skin condition.

Acne first struck for me around the age of twelve in the form of small spots and blackheads, obviously as a male of this age it began to be a concern, but the worse was yet to come...

1 year on my acne had progressed into huge red pimples with yellow heads. This brought great distress and at this point my acne was uncontrollable.

To hide my acne at school, I tried covering up with make-up, which for me was very embarrassing, as well of having acne the psychological effects were starting to take its toll.

I was introduced to many products, such as Panoxyl, Oxytetracycline, and most acne products you can buy over the counter, this lead to little or no results form my acne.

One acne treatment product I found slightly helpful was an antibiotic Erythromycin cream. I was prescribed this from the doctor and had good results for one or two of my friends too, the problem was though, that my acne soon flared up again after my skin got used to it. Oxytetracycline tablets had no effect at all. I had also heard that Accutine could be effective, these are strong acne treatment tablets from the doctor. The problem is these can be toxic to the body.

It became clear that I was not going to be able to clear my acne.

One day I had been browsing the internet when I saw an advert for Acne Free In 3 Days . What brought my attention was the title: Acne Free In 3 Days as this caused great amusement to me.

I did however decide to give the program a go, this is when I realized that this product was going to be quite effective.

Acne Free In 3 Days takes a whole new approach to combating acne and uses special foods and recommends certain products to eat to clear your body of toxins and neutralize certain hormones that are responsible for acne, giving a natural inside out method to clear acne.

This is not a simple E-book stating 'don't eat chocolate' or chips. Acne Free In 3 Days uses complex ways to adjust certain chemical balances inside your body safely to reduce acne, which is totally different.

For me the Acne Free In 3 Days has given me the greatest results fastest. As a long time sufferer of acne I realize the frustration it can lead to. This natural remedy adjusted my body to cope and combat acne from the inside.

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Daily Exercise Suggestions -Crunch in Bed

Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while lying flat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think you'll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to wake up 15 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a flatter stomach.

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Daily Exercise Suggestions - Park and Walk

Whenever you have an errand, park your car as far away as you can handle and walk to the store. At the mall, park at the farthest end and walk the length of the mall. Use every opportunity to walk. At the end of the day, it all adds up to better fitness.

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Daily Exercise Suggestions - Walk 10 Minutes

Walk 10 Minutes a Day and Increase Your Fitness Level
Old thinking was to work out in a sweat-filled gym for hours a day. No pain, no gain. New studies show that even short bouts of activity can increase your fitness level, especially if you're new at working out.

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