Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Negative calorie food

A negative calorie food diet is based on the idea that certain foods, mostly plants, are difficult to digest because of their cellular composition, i.e., cellulose. Everything that you do - sleeping, breathing, blinking your eyes - requires a certain amount of energy, and eating is no exception. This energy is created by burning calories. Your body requires on average 150-250 calories to digest your food, depending on your weight, gender and activity level. If you eat a negative calorie food that has a caloric content of 100 calories, you will actually burn more calories than you ingest. Because negative calorie food is harder to digest, your body will require more than the average 150-250 calories to digest the food."

Even Snopes admits some truth to Celery and Negative Calories but with disclaimers. Although it does bring up a good point which is where my mindset is this time around, avoidance of other "worse" foods.

"But in defense of celery, we note that even if it doesn't contribute mightily to a caloric imbalance which serves to work waistline magic, those who are eating it aren't eating something else. Sometimes the key to a successful reducing plan is not so much the ingestion of "good" foods as it is the avoidance of "bad" ones. And it's hard to sneak a chocolate bar into a mouth that's busy chewing celery. Celery serves one final purpose in the battle of the bulge: it's a symbol of dietary virtue and singleminded intent. Its presence in our refrigerators signals to all comers that we are serious about the weight loss plan this time around."

Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green Beans, Zucchini
* Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish

Apple, Grapefruit, Honeydew, Orange, Peaches, Strawberry, Watermelon

* Blackberry, Cantaloupe, Raspberry

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